Johan Lavenius
2007-09-24 12:17:20 UTC
Locomotive seems to cache my controller and changes in the controller
code doesnt
affect the output without me restarting the app (sometimes i need to restart
the app with a new port for it to update). Changes to the view is instant.
Another problem is with a view:
<%= link_to "Testlink", :controller => "start", :action => "index" %>
Output: (Not interpret as html by the browser) Why?
<a href="/start">Testlink</a>
Using: Locomotive 2.0.8 and RMagick Rails Mar 2007 bundle
code doesnt
affect the output without me restarting the app (sometimes i need to restart
the app with a new port for it to update). Changes to the view is instant.
Another problem is with a view:
<%= link_to "Testlink", :controller => "start", :action => "index" %>
Output: (Not interpret as html by the browser) Why?
<a href="/start">Testlink</a>
Using: Locomotive 2.0.8 and RMagick Rails Mar 2007 bundle